Become a Grange Member

If you’re ready to join, complete the following application and pay online below or mail a check to PO Box 299, Corbett, OR 97019. As of 1/1/24, if you join in Oct, Nov, Dec, your dues are $50 (Individual), or $100 (Family - all family members age 14-23 living in the same household), which covers one year’s Grange dues. The following November, your annual dues will be due again. See prorated amounts for January-September.

If you’re applying January through September please pay these prorated amounts.

PLEASE NOTE: Lifetime Membership is available for a onetime payment of $500/person (payment option below).

NOTE: Membership fees go directly to the Oregon State Grange to pay for use of the building and do not directly benefit the operation costs of our Grange.

Membership Dues Online Payment

VENMO is now a payment option! columbia grange 267

NEW Membership Individual
from $12.50
NEW Membership Family
from $25.00
Lifetime Membership (per individual)